2 Min. Vid: Is Your 403(b) Plan the Best Way to Save for Your Retirement?

- As a teacher, you might be wondering if your 403(b) plan is the best way to save for your retirement.
- There's an easy way to figure that out and it starts with looking at your district's plan.
- First, are your contributions matched?
- If so, it's usually best to contribute enough to get the full match.
- If not, then you should make sure to do your homework on the different companies on your district's approved vendor list.
- Unfortunately, many districts have lists full of vendors that charge high fees, provide poor investment options, and lock your retirement money up in unnecessary variable annuity contracts.
- Large insurance companies are the worst culprits!
- So, if your vendor list is full of them, ite may be best to save for retirement outside of your district's 403(b) plan.
- There are many different options available to do this, but one of the best for teachers is to start a Roth IRA.
- If you'd like to learn more about the best way you can save for retirement, give us a call or drop us an email and w'ell be ahppy to help you make sure you're on the right path!