Teach & Retire Rich Podcast - David Gourley on Clearing the Loans!

Recently, David Gourley, CSLP® had a chance to sit down with Dan Otter and Scott Dauenhauer of the Teach and Retire Rich Podcast, and founders of 403bwise.org. David Gourley makes sense of where student loan forgiveness stands in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling, and the recent Biden Administration announcement of a seemingly new program. David has a message for public sector borrowers: there is a lot to be optimistic about!
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David Gourley, CSLP® is a Financial Planner with Teach Plan Retire, an independent financial planning firm specializing in finance for teachers. He served for eight years as a high school mathematics teacher before transitioning into the financial services industry. He joined Teach Plan Retire in 2022 and his passion for serving as a fiduciary for teachers and a student loan planning expert runs deep, as his wife and several other family members have served as educators for years. He's a proud member of the Financial Planning Association of Greater Kansas City.